Aujourd’hui, nous étions tous dans nos familles d’accueil, nous n’avons donc pas fait les mêmes choses. Voici deux journées différentes racontées par deux élèves d’entre nous.

Today we were all in our hosting families so we didn’t do the same things. Here is 2 different days from two of us.

Journée de Florine (en français) : Aujourd’hui c’était la journée typique américaine. Nous avons mangé dans un dinner, comme une vraie américaine j’ai pris un cheeseburger et des frites ????. Ensuite nous sommes tous allés au cinéma et j’ai goûté le pop corn et il y a beaucoup de beurre dedans !! Nous avons fini par le meilleur, nous sommes allés voir un match de hockey et c’était super bien !! Toute cette journée ressemble tellement à tous les films que l’on voit en France, c’est vraiment comme si nous étions dans un film américain !!

Day of Lorie (in English) : This morning my exchange student and I made waffles. We ate them with mapple sirup and fruits, but also with sausages! It was weird for me because I’m not used to eat salty things on morning but I liked it.
Then we prepared ourselves and we went to Clarkson University to see what was happening there. There was some kind of a little event. In fact we saw sled dogs. There was also a big tent and inside it there was a bar for major persons. There were lots of students and I think it was funny because they were all dressed with the colors of their university as we can see in American movies!
After we left the campus, my exchange students took me to a frozen yogurt shop. It was so great! Actually this is a shop where you can chose your ice cream and the stuffs you want to put on it (it can be fruit but also chocolate or candys).
To finish, we went home to eat pizzas and then my exchange student’s best friend drove us to the movie theater. We watched La La Land and it was very great, I loved it. It was a great day but I’m still tired because of the jet lag!


Photos prises par Lorie : / Pictures by Lorie :



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